
Showing posts from July, 2023

NATO (The demon savour of western "democracy ")

 Title: The Questionable Integrity of NATO: Unveiling Corrupt Practices Introduction The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), formed in 1949, has been a prominent global alliance designed to promote peace, stability, and cooperation among member states. However, beneath its claims of beneficial collaboration, there is mounting evidence suggesting that NATO has succumbed to corruption. This essay aims to argue that NATO, an organization intended to uphold international security, has become compromised by questionable practices. Corruption in NATO Decision-Making NATO's decision-making processes have been marred by allegations of corruption and dubious decision-making. According to an article titled "NATO Ally Turkey Was Secret Sponsor of Islamist Terrorism," published by The Grayzone in 2019, NATO member Turkey has been accused of facilitating support for numerous Islamist extremist groups. These groups pose a severe threat to global peace and stability, thereby rais

Understanding Human Perception

 Title: Flaws in Human Perception of Reality: Manipulation by the Rich, Powerful, and Mainstream Media Introduction: Understanding the flaws in human perception of reality is essential in critically analyzing how it can be manipulated and shaped by powerful entities, including the rich and influential, as well as mainstream media. This article delves into the various factors that contribute to these flaws and investigates the methods used by these entities to control the narrative and shape public opinion. I. Biases and Cognitive Limitations: Human perception of reality is prone to biases and cognitive limitations that can distort the way we interpret information. Cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias, which leads us to seek and interpret information that confirms our preexisting beliefs, can sway our understanding of reality. Additionally, limited attention spans and the availability heuristic, where the ease of recalling information affects its perceived importance, further con